Category: Automated Liquid Handling

Micropipette price | SSCIENCES | 9266169685

Micropipette price | SSCIENCES | 9266169685

Micropipette price | SSCIENCES | 9266169685 Science  Plus Model MICRO PIPETTE Salient Features of Adjustable Volume Micropipettes with Autoclavable Tip Cone: – Eight volume ranges from 0.5 µl to 10000 µl let you select the right pipette for your application. Easy volume setting by simply turning the plunger. Click stop digital system -click sound at each […]


Micropipettes | Automated Liquid Handling | Pipettes | Pipettors | Pipette

Micropipettes | Automated Liquid Handling | Pipettes | Pipettors | Pipette Whatsapp no:. +919266169686, +919266169685, +918353989686 Micropipette FAC (fully Autoclavable) F-A-C Model MICROPIPETTE Salient Features of Fix & Adjustable Volume Micropipettes with fully Autoclavable: – Eight volume ranges from 0.5 µl to 10000 µl let you select the right micropipette for your application.  Easy volume setting […]